Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Crazy nine patch

I found a tutorial on You Tube on how to make a crazy nine patch blocks some time ago. The title puzzled me a bit because I was searching for 'crazy four patch' but soon everything was clear. It amazes me how fun and easy it is!
So, first you choose your fabrics and I have a very colourful one with letters, black and white with numbers and matching fabrics with dots and simple patterns.

I have made six big nine-patch blocks, black on white dots always in the middle, numbers and letters in the corners.

When they are laid out you can see that this is not the best design... 

But than I cut them into smaller blocks. This reminds me of what I read some time ago about how quilters are crazy because they cut perfectly good fabrics to sew them back together, but the craziest ones cut it again ;)

Every block was cut into four. See how number and letter fabrics are not cut, but the black dots are cut into small squares - this is exactly what I wanted.

And then came turning, shuffling, turning and shuffling again and again until I was happy with the layout. And I tell you, it was FUN.

I love how the quilt top looks, now I just need to buy wadding (shame, it refuses to just grow in my stash...), and quilt it. Bright orange thread, me thinks :D

Monday, 9 June 2014

The second one

I have been making a lot. Quilts, dresses, jumpers, even poncho, I just couldn't make myself to sit and write about it.
But this weekend I have made something that I want to shout about from the roof tops. But it is dangereous and it is raining so I write about it here instead.
Well, somehow, yesterday


Before you think it is not such a big deal, you should know that I can made socks, and I made three of them. All different :D
Two weeks ago, my dear friend Anthea gave me one ball of Drops sock yarn in fabulous colours.

And the best about this yarn is that it is worsted weight. This means no thin needles and enormous amounts of tiny stitches but a proper 4 mm needles and only 38 stitches. Bliss!

So, on Saturday the first sock was done. I was so happy how quickly it was knitting up that I did not mind at all working the heel three times. I wasn't too excited, I have managed to get to this stage three times before.

I have weight the leftover yarn and there was exactly 50 grams left. The colour pattern repeats nicely so I finished the first sock in just the right place to start the second one at the same point, just in case.
And yesterday I just made the second sock. Just like that.

And they look exactly the same and feel exactly the same. 

I wouldn't mind the rib to be a bit longer, but I managed to get two from one ball with that much leftover:

 So, now I can just put them on and enjoy the lovely Scottish summer ;)